Category: Agriculture & Gardening
Country: Peru
 Prevention of blood clotting by keeping saturated fats mobile in the blood stream.
Reduction of triglyceride levels and hypertension (Cholesterol).
Stabilizes sugar levels in the blood (Diabetes).
Regulation of nerval transmission and communication, maintaining the fluidity and rigidity of cellular membranes (Depression / Mental health).
Reducing arterial inflamation (Arthritis).
Control symptoms of asthma in kids.
Antioxidant agent.
Transports oxygen from red blood cells to[...] Details...  Product: Yacon root dry slices, root powder, syrup, leaves powder for capsules, leaves powder for filter bags, leaves dry atomized extract, capsules.
Genus: Smallanthus sonchifolius
Part used: Leaves and roots.
Presentation: Bulk and finished products.
Phytochemicals (root): Contains fructose, glucose, sucrose, low polymerization degree (DP) oligosaccharides (DP 3 to 10 fructans), and traces of starch and inulin (Asami et al. 1989; Ohyama et al. 1990). In yacon inulin appears to be only[...] Details...  Formula
Doramectin 1 g, oleous excipients and formulation agents q.s. ad 100 mL.
Treatment and control of internal parasitosis (gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematodes), ticks and mange (and other ectoparasites). Its spectrum includes: Haemonchus spp., Ostertagia spp., Trichostrongylus spp, Cooperia spp., Oesophagostomum spp., Dyctiocaulus viviparus, Dermatobia hominis, Boophilus microplus, Psoroptes bovis, among many other internal and external parasites. Its oleous carrier[...] Details...